Speleoarte jardunaldiak

2007-05-18 / 2007-06-1


Erakusketa hau kobak eta espeleologiarekin erabat loturiko 6 artisten lanetan oinarritzen da: Edu Gordo, Roberto Garay eta Santi Urrutia, Gernikako ADES espeleologia taldeko partaideak, eta Ian Ellis Chandler artista ingelesa, Stacy Koffman estatubatuarra, eta Tommy Barr ipar irlandarra. Lanik gehienak Gernikan burutu dira 2007ko maiatzaren hirugarren astean, urteurren bi elkartzen izan direla oinarritzat hartuta: ADES espeleologia taldearen fundazioaren 25. urteurrena eta Gernikako bonbardaketaren 70. urtea. Guzti hau kontuan hartuta artistek kobarekin lotutako kontzeptu honekin lan egin dute: Aterpea.


Esta exposición se basa en los trabajos de seis artistas estrechamente relacionados con el mundo de las cuevas y la espeleología: Edu Gordo, Roberto Garay y Santi Urrutia, vinculados al grupo de espeleología ADES de Gernika, y el artista inglés Ian Ellis Chandler, la estadounidense Stacy Koffman, y el norirlandés Tommy Barr. La mayoría de los trabajos se han realizado en Gernika durante la tercera semana de mayo del 2007, a raíz de la celebración de dos aniversarios: el 25 aniversario de la fundación del Grupo de Espeleología ADES, y el 70 aniversario del bombardeo de Gernika. Con este motivo los artistas trabajaron con un concepto relacionado con la cueva: Refugio.


This art exhibition is based in works made by six artists related to caves and caving: Edu Gordo, Roberto Garay and Santi Urrutia, linked with the caving group ADES of Gernika, and the English artist Ian Ellis Chandler, Stacy Koffman of United States, and Tommy Barr of North Ireland. Most of works were made in Gernika in the third week of May 2007, on the occasion of two anniversaries: the 25 years of ADES caving group foundation, and the 70 anniversary of the bombing of Gernika. The leitmotif for the artists work was this concept related with caves: Shelter.


The shed (El cobertizo de la historia)

My art is based on the awakening consciousness reaching back to ancient times, where the first art was placed on the cave walls, and where the caves were first used as sanctuaries.
In England the shed lives in most house back gardens. In it are stored tools, both for gardening and household repairs; bicycles, tables and chairs, and rarely used items. It is also used in many cases as a workshop, with table etc for working on. Here repairs can be made or hobbies and crafts indulged, such as making furniture, painting pictures, perhaps even writing. It is quiet place out of family environment; a place to escape into.
The shed is a repository of personal and collective histories; a place where we store our memories. We use it to hide things and ourselves. It is a place where we can retreat to and then later leave behind. Whether it is an object, a visual memory in a photograph, a distinct sound or a colour, it is here.
When El cobertizo de la historia is taken down, dismantled and placed in a store perhaps it will be forgotten, unfortunately like most of our personal histories.

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